The Book
La capanna di zio fortunato
by Colosimo Roberto
La narrativa pp. 13 Dim.: 0 kb. downloads: 818
in "Vendemmia"'s third anthology, vintage of the stories ripened during the year, comes out now to keep us company in the first evenings at home, something to read with the television switched off, sipping a glass of good wine. We start with a story by Giuliano Melchiori, set this time in the present, in a town suspended between its historical core and the modern architecture that tends to wipe out the past; to follow, a new intriguing mystery by Alessandra Santini, an investigation of a serial killer... or is it a vampire? Then three stories about girls and women, seen with the attentive and ironic gaze of Carola Catenacci. Roberto Colosimo gives us a traditional tale, well suited for fireside storytelling; and Raffaella d'Elia tells us about a piano, a mouse, a mysterious malady.. Sergio de Vito explores the nightmare of religious madness, what moves it from within and the consequences it has on the outside world. And to close, a threesome by Fiornando Gabbrielli, a story of Venice in the thirteenth century, an ecological proposal for cleaning up the countryside, and an eulogy of the indubitable but little recognized skills of Tuscan hunting dogs
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