The Book
C’è il tempo per amare/amaro,
c’è il tempo per dormire, sognare forse
(non psoakoonaloosamente),
c’è il tempo per mangiare (cucina emiliana),
c’é il tempo per tradurre (Schenon’s Wake),
c’è il tempo per scrivacchiare cose
che non sai se verranno mai publiocchiate.
Tutti i motempi (s/grammaticali e non)
hanno il/le loro carattere-istiche e i loro mo(vi)menti.
Quello che è (im)portante è non farsi (s)travolgere
dal tempo che (s)corre (fluisce, fulmina, fliffeysce),
tutto corto.
E cogliere le Rose (e le Margherite e le Violette e le cetere (o citere) platonoiche,
ben(o mal)inteso) che altri non colsero.
by Schenoni Luigi
La poesia pp. 118 Dim.: 146 kb. downloads: 717
LUIGI SCENONI, born in Bologna in 1935, has a degree in foreign language and literature at the Bocconi University of Milan.
He has worked for nearly twenty years as technical and commercial translator in a big firm in his town, and about as long as editorial translator.
The first two volumes of his annotated translation of Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake were published in 1982 and 2001. The third volume was published in 2004, centenary of Bloomsday, 16 June 1904, the day in which Ulysses takes place and in which Joyce met Nora Barnacle, his future wife.
Schenoni is currently working at the fourth volume, which he hopes to have ready for publication by the end of 2005, and at other projects of creative literature.
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