The Book
Il 10 agosto del 1994 erano approdati alla Camera, insieme ad una serie di altri provvedimenti minori, due articoli di legge, precisamente gli articoli 57 e 58. Sebbene al momento potesse sembrare strano, essi si sarebbero, successivamente, rivelati di importanza fondamentale. A parte gli addetti ai lavori, in pochi si erano resi conto di quello che sarebbe accaduto una volta che si fosse deciso di adottarli, anche perché non sembravano portare con se novità eclatanti. In effetti, ad un esame superficiale poteva apparire come una misura senza particolare importanza, in quanto prevedevano soltanto una leggera modifica ad una legge di fatto già preesistente. Ma chi li aveva proposti doveva sapere esattamente la reale portata di quei provvedimenti.
Il processo impossibile
by Pontellini Roberto
I gialli pp. 238 Dim.: 519 kb. downloads: 1654
The capture of Salemi, the recognized head of the Sicilian Mafia, was classified as the most important police operation of the century. The trial and sentence were intended to be a clear message to all: the State is stronger than Cosa Nostra. But facts seemed to prove this wrong: the trial had been opened three times, without arriving at a final sentence. The Mafia had accepted the challenge and was winning it. Judges and prosecutors were the victims of this war, and all seemed lost, but suddenly a new challenge was opened: the Mafia was ready, but this time something is different, the rules seem to be changed, the mind behind the operation seems to have foreseen everything and does not play fair, it begins to look like a plot against Cosa Nostra.
The story is completely invented by the author and has no connection with existing people and facts. An Italian thriller, perplexing and fascinating. The author keeps us in suspense to the last pages of a complex plot, built with great care, that holds our attention with a breathtaking sequel of moves and countermoves, both tactical and adventurous. A book of our own days, with something to say, a story to be read.
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