The Book
Settembre, 2003
“Pronto? Ah ciao amore. Niente, in casa. Veramente sono in camera mia. Ah sì? Niente, ho trovato un po’ di fogli che ho scritto io, non so quando, ora mi metto a leggerli. Non lo so che cosa c’è scritto, poi te lo dico. Sarà uno dei tanti racconti che scrivevo da ragazzino. Figurati se mi metto a leggere al telefono dai! Te lo porto si, ti amo, manda messaggio prima della nanna ok? Notte, sì, anch’io tanto, smack”
Eccomi, settimo piano
by Massimiliano
La narrativa pp. 36 Dim.: 167 kb. downloads: 901
A short story, telling how through journeys abroad and the meeting with different cultures and people far from the usual home ground, a young man finds the courage to accept and live his homosexuality. An important passage to maturity narrated with honesty and delicacy, without the usual theoretic and analitical trappings, but rich in colours and images that can touch us and live in our memory. Massimiliano is 25 years old; he lives and works in Tuscany, where he was born. Of all his many interests he only finds time for his rollerblades, the resto of his time is taken up by his family and his work, in an American firm where he can give expression to his passion for the English language
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